Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Beginnings

Tonight I enter the world of blogging. Something I've wanted to do for a while, but unsure how to go about it. I hope you find my postings interesting and enjoy the journey with me. I feel very blessed to be where I am in life. This is not the only "new beginning" in my life. We are currently on "baby countdown watch" for our first grandchild - a girl we are told - that will be entering the world within a couple of weeks. We've seen the ultrasound picture and I try to imagine what she will look like once she enters the world, but I can't wait to meet her face to face. I'm already in love with her! Right now, I think (from the picture) that she will look like her Mom, but have feet like her Dad. Will I be right or will I be wrong? You know -- it doesn't really matter. I just want to hold her, cuddle her, kiss her, sing to her, cry over the miracle of her birth and then watch her Mom and Dad become first-time parents. Just like babies don't come with an instruction manual, I don't think blogging does either. Sure the information is out there somewhere on how to do things, but you have to know where to look, how much of it to follow and when to just strike out on your own to see what works for you.

Our other "new beginning" is my husband's first self-published children's book. It's called Just a Quilt? He has worked hard on it, is proud of it and it has been well received by family and friends. He is working on introducing it to the public through quilt guilds, shops and shows. He has scheduled some book signings too. I tell him that I never thought I'd have to share my quilting life with him, but it is a joy to welcome him to that part of my world too. Maybe I can someday get him to "really quilt". For now, I'll just continue to enjoy his wonderful imagination and how he can put that into story and book form. Life with him has always been an adventure. Let's see where these "new beginnings" take us!